Coaching & Consulting Inc
Programs & Workshops
How it works
Individuals: I offer multiple programs on a variety of topics to people directly. Follow me on instagram at @rachelkcoach for upcoming workshops for individuals!
Organizations: I offer existing workshops as well as co-create programs & workshops with organizations in order to address bespoke needs. Please schedule a call with me to dive into this!
Reach out to connect on additional topics not listed here and learn more.
The Reverse Resume (Series)
Telling your story with authenticity can be challenging, especially when we are taught to think and speak about ourselves via a traditional resume. This series will focus on creating a narrative that captures who you truly are so that you can show up to a networking event, job interview, board meeting, client pitch etc. with the words, flow and confidence to showcase yourself beyond what you do, in order to enhance connections.
You will walk away with:
- A new narrative that reflects a deeper connection to your core values, drivers and experiences
- Coaching and practice on storytelling in a captivating way while networking or interviewing
- The skills to express your narrative based on who you are no matter the circumstance you are in so that you can thoughtfully explain your “why”
- Enhanced listening skills and the ability to ask the right questions
- The ability to pivot your story to make it applicable to every situation
Previous run with: HEC Paris
2022 New Year Evolutions
An entirely new way to set goals. This is not another workshop to develop your new year resolutions, but rather a framework to reinvent the whole concept of how you set goals.
You will walk away with:
- A completely new way of thinking about goal setting
- Clarity on your inner drivers and why you do what you do
- Tips for noticing and acknowledging progress
- A sense of freedom and confidence around setting goal.
Previously run with: Google (multiple organizations), Verily, Female Narratives
The Energetics of Self Advocating
Advocating for yourself, putting your opinions forward and making your voice heard can be hard. It can also be exciting, scary, empowering or even intimidating. So how are we supposed to advocate for ourselves effectively when we have all of these thoughts and feelings? Dive deep into what is consciously or unconsciously getting in the way of you being able to share your voice, opinions, ideas and successes in order to achieve your goals - both personally and professionally. This is not another list of “should and shouldn’t do" when advocating for yourself.
You will walk away with:
- A deeper understanding of why self-advocating can feel hard
- A new framework for mindsets & perspectives that may be getting in your way
- A new approach to self-advocacy
- Clear points for self-reflection
- Ownership of your view of advocating
- Tips for shifting your perspectives
Previous run with: Iris Marketing